K & S Tree Care Inc.
Full Service Tree Care Company Serving Long Island
Mon-Sat: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Long Island Tree Removals

What you should know and expect


All long island tree removals should be handled professionally and there are some things to have in mind when hiring a company to remove trees from your property. If a company truly promotes themselves as a tree care company then asking specific questions will make you happy that you either hired a good company or upset that you hired a bad one. You should ask first how will the tree be removed ? If your tree is by your driveway and the company owns a bucket truck then they would most likely use the bucket truck and remove the tree top to bottom. If the tree is in the backyard and lets face it a lot of long island tree removals are in the backyard.

This will require a professional tree climber to safely perform a complete tree removal. A lot of climbers will use what are called climbing spikes which is fine. However if you have a tree that is not being removed and trimmed instead then a climber should not be wearing climbing spikes since it will damage the tree. The one thing you want to make sure a company is not doing is dropping a huge tree with one cut on to your property. This can be specifically dangerous when there are many various surroundings, such as fences, pools, sheds, decks and more. A smaller and a tree of less weight can be dropped with one cut but you should make sure larger trees are not being dropped unless you agree so with the tree company. The way the tree removal is performed is also important not only for safety purposes but also for pricing reasons. Once you understand how the tree will be removed you will be able to understand the pricing and whether you are being given a reasonable price or being ripped off. Lastly you will want to inquire about workers compensation insurance and general liability insurance. Many companies will low ball others cause they are mostly likely removing the tree in a unsafe manner and do not have workers compensation and general liability insurance. When you are dealing with one or multiple tree removals make sure to ask about proof of insurance just in case there is a accident on the property.