K & S Tree Care Inc.
Full Service Tree Care Company Serving Long Island
Mon-Sat: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Tick Spraying or Mosquito Spraying or Both ?

Long Island Tick And Mosquito Spraying

As the weather gets warmer Long Island will see the return of mosquitoes and ticks among other insects. Also you will be seeing the return of Long Island Tick and Mosquito Spraying offers. If you are worried about ticks more and you live in an area such as the east end of long island then starting a tick spraying program early is highly recommended. Whenever winters are warm or finish in warm weather ticks will start to appear more and more. Carrying diseases and harmful to your pets you should have your property sprayed front and backyard both. Act accordingly whether you are doing it yourself or hiring someone. Make sure your first spraying is thorough and you are spraying at a reasonable rate. Each property will have to be examined determining a strategy along with looking for areas where you think they may be coming from.


Long Island Tick Warning & Guide


With mosquito spraying you are dealing with an insect that could be high in a tree or hiding in the shrubs or under your deck. Most long island residents have know how annoying mosquitoes can be and how consistent they can be. Long island mosquito spraying has become a very satisfying service and an affordable one as well. Be wary of what is being applied on your property and be aware of the following days to see what kind of service you received. Such mix up’s can occur when companies offer traditional mosquito spraying or organic mosquito spraying. Both products work well however they do work differently. Each of these products will require multiple mosquito sprays throughout the spring, summer and fall.


Long Island Mosquito Info & Guide